Hi there,
We are selling our beloved Passat GTE Variant since we are moving out of Denmark. The car is in very good condition. Has always been maintained by Volkswagen Denmark (proof is in the book and digital in the car). We loved driving it. It is fast, very spacious and comfortable.
Mileage on the car is 84.000 KM, which is mostly long distance highway kilometers as I regularly traveled back to Netherlands (my home country).
Below all the extras that the car has (in Danish). Here is what we are offering in addition to the extras already on the car:
- The car has blackened windows in the back, providing a bit more luxurious view.
- The original cover for in the trunk.
- 1 set of almost new winter tires (Bridgestone)
- 1 set of good summer tires from Hankook (can still be used for at least 2 seasons of summer).
- One charging cable for charging at a home station.
- One charging cable for charging at public charging stations.
I can see that this type of car sells for between 225.000 - 250.000 through a car dealership, so we are offering it for 219.999DKK or any reasonable offer.
Træthedsregistrering, PreCrash , Måtter, Climatronic, Forsæder med indstillelig varme, Baglygter, LED, Siderudelister, blanke, Multifunktionslæderrat, Regnsensor, Front assist m. City Emergency Brake, Fartpilot, adaptiv, Lane assist, Parkeringssensorer, for og bag, Travel Assist, Discover Media Navigation, Nødopkaldsservice, Car-Net "Security & Service" og "Guide & Inform" 3 år, 17" London letmetalfælge, 4KF Tonede ruder, bag, 5V5V Mangan grå metallic, 9WJ App-Connect Wireless, PE9 Nøglefri betj